It’s Not Over!  Take Action Today.

We still have a chance to stop Dollar General but we need your help! Could you please send a letter to the Planning Commission sharing your thoughts about the Dollar General Development. The deadline is Tuesday at 5pm and your comments can be sent by email to  Personal testimony is best, but we know writing letters is a heavy-lift so here are some suggested talking points to make it a little lighter! 

It is the responsibility of planning commissioners, planning staff, and elected officials to: protect the community health, safety and welfare; seek efficient use of the land and public facilities, consistent with community values; and encourage public participation.  None of these standards have been upheld resulting in:

  • Significant safety and transportation issues including young children waiting for their school bus at the entry of Dollar General, lack of sidewalks for safe passage of pedestrians or cyclists past the store, challenging access for vehicles which will require a sharp turn off the highway which may also lead to traffic jams.

  • Numerous changes to the site plan that have the potential to cause harm to Bear Creek, a critical habitat for Salmon.  

  • No opportunity for citizens or relevant agencies to participate in the process until now.  Citizen Involvement is Goal 1 of Oregon’s Land Use Law and the County’s own plan. This plan was approved without citizen input and more crucially there was no opportunity for the Tribes or any other agencies tasked with responsible stewardship of environment and community.

  • Dollar General stores have a negative impact on every community they enter by driving down property values which ultimately negatively impacts tax revenue, and by taking revenue away from locally owned businesses and placing it in the hands of a national conglomerate that will not invest in our community. 

If we unite our voices we have a chance to make sure the store doors never open!  Thank you for taking the time. Questions may be sent to